THANK YOU 2024 Weddings "Look closely, feel deeply. Don’t direct, just witness. Smash ego, expand heart." Every wedding we stepped into this year, we kept these words ... READ MORE Choosing Your Perfect Wedding Photographer Beyond Instagram General Real Wedding Photography is Not Just Instagram In a world saturated with visually stunning Instagram feeds and picture-perfect wedding photos, it’s... READ MORE THANK YOU 2023 Weddings "Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever. It remembers little things, long after you... READ MORE THANK YOU 2022 Weddings Time goes really fast when you are feeling the happiest, extremely nervous, or deeply moved. It all usually happens on your wedding day. We are here n... READ MORE BE A BRIDE General There’s this one of life’s best moments and lasts for a mere few hours: that is being a bride! Your wedding day is the day when you are the cen... READ MORE FARIS & ANIS Portraits I couldn’t ask for a more incredible couple to work with. We became instant friends from the moment we began talking. Faris and Anis are selfless, lov... READ MORE MALAYSIAN WEDDING STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) BY MKN (MALAYSIA NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL) General ALLOWED VENUES: Ballrooms or open-air spaces EVENT DURATION: 3-5 hours CAPACITY: Maximum of 250 persons or less, subject to the size of the venu... READ MORE Coronavirus and your event: communication tips for hosts and guests General At the Leiora, we exist to connect people in a more meaningful way. As Coronavirus (COVID-19) impacts how people gather around the world, this isn’t... READ MORE APPY & RISYA Weddings Such a wonderful wedding at the beautiful E&O Hotel, Penang. Appy & Risya were so incredibly sweet, genuine and loved by many. Such a beautiful love... READ MORE HOW TO CHOOSE A WEDDING HASHTAG General It makes sense to create a hashtag for your wedding weekend. A wedding hashtag lets you see all of your guests’ photos in one spot. If you were a gue... READ MORE FIRDAUS & NICOLE Weddings We couldn’t ask for a more incredible couple to work with. Nicole you are a beautiful soul and Firdaus is a perfect kind-hearted match. So Thankful... READ MORE FIRDAUS + NICOLE / COUPLE SESSION Portraits These two are beautiful inside and out. We can’t wait to be a part of their wedding in a couple days! If you’re interested in booking theLeiora... READ MORE